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Live Music & Intimate House Concerts

 Live Music Concerts in an Intimate Setting

Live music in our Old Chapel in an intimate, house concert setting. It doesn’t get any better than this! No need to travel to Austin for a live music venue when we are located right down the road at Old Glory Ranch in Wimberley. We are happy to host musical guests for your organization’s fundraiser, awards, or  maybe just a fun night of celebration. If you prefer an outdoor concert, we are also able to provide a scenic backdrop in our Oak Grove or perhaps with the Blanco River flowing behind the artist at our Wedding Deck.

Live Music at Its Best

Here is more information about some of the wonderful performers we have had the privilege to host.

The Wimberley and Austin area is brimming with musical talent and we are happy to help connect you to the artist that you feel fits your event.  Maybe you already have your own connection?  We would be thrilled to make new friends.