Rehearsal Dinner Ideas- Make it Unique!

The Rehearsal Dinner is an age old tradition held after the wedding rehearsal.  With that being said, do your best to not let planning the rehearsal dinner be what causes you stress.  It should be a time to spend with family and friends while everyone is all together at the same time.

Here are a few ways to make it as it as unique as your love is:

Help break the ice for guests who have never met while giving them a chance to interact with each other.  Incorporate a unique theme or activity. Think lawn games, karaoke or a hill country scavenger hunt  where the last item on the list is the location of the dinner.  Some other fun ideas are to have a murder mystery or a casino night.

Hill Country Chuck Wagon Rehearsal Dinner

Hill Country Chuck Wagon Rehearsal Dinner

Have it catered by a food truck or chuck wagon. Thinking about having a dessert bar, fondue bar, or try a taco bar with miniature donkeys “serving” beer. Consider a mariachi band serenading your guests.  Speaking of bars, consider changing the traditional “dinner” to a lunch or brunch. This helps to ensure that your guests won’t burn out before the Wedding Day by over indulging in food and/or (mostly) drink the night before.

Lawn Games

                          Lawn Games

Your Rehearsal Dinner is the perfect opportunity to get some of the toasts out of the way, present your bridal party and family with gifts,  spend time with people that you may not have the chance to at the wedding, and overall, a nice way to thank friends and family for their love and support!  Make sure to keep it as unique as your love, and your guests will remember it for a long time to come.


Miniature Donkey's with cold beverages & Mariachis to serenade your guests

Miniature Donkeys with cold beverages & Mariachis to serenade your guests

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