Weddings and children, perfect storm or perfect angel?

Now here’s an age old discussion, children at weddings. Most everyone has an opinion, one way or the other. Just how tactful can you be when it comes to someone’s precious little angel attending one of the most important days of your life?

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You and the love of your life are at the altar exchanging vows you’ve written especially for this occasion. You are pouring your heartfelt feelings out when all of the sudden a child starts wailing. And all eyes shift from you to the dear little one. Some brides won’t mind, others would rather avoid the questionable moment altogether.

What to Do?

If you are one of the brides that would rather avoid the situation. how do you avoid offending? Most people will be understanding, others will ignore your request and bring them in tow anyway, yes it happens.

If you do not want children at your wedding be sure not to include their name on the invitation. Stay positive.  Say “adult reception,” or perhaps, “we have reserved two seats for you”  rather than :no children allowed.”If you feel you will still have “violators” and are uncomfortable to address it personally, check to see if your venue has a room or area where children could be entertained and if they have suggestions for childcare or perhaps a children only party.

Some brides have made notecards for their greeters to give to guests who show up with children that might say something like this: “Thank you for sharing in our special day. We love your children but respectfully ask that if they are noisy or disruptive that they be removed during the ceremony so we may relish this special time in our lives.” If you are providing childcare you might also add that to your notecard and perhaps a note similar to: “In order that you to fully enjoy our special celebration worry free – we have provided childcare for the evening that includes pizza and special games for your little one’s enjoyment as well!”


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Children Being Children

While some children can be ‘adorably disruptive’, others can create chaos and may even be destructive. Children want to play, period. Some parents will be extremely attentive, while others are just there for a party night out. There are stories of ring bearers and flowergirls losing it when it comes their time to walk down the aisle, because with youngsters, you never know for sure what you’re going to get!

And you’ve no doubt heard other stories of wedding disasters involving the little ones such as punch being spilled on bridal gowns, broken dishware, guests tripping over them on the dance floor, finger marks on your cake or worse, and so on. All are true and no doubt have created stories for brides and grooms to share forever. Some couples get a good chuckle out of it while others wanted to handcuff the little offenders! No matter what you decide, make your wishes clear to your family members and guests.

old glory ranch- wedding party- children

Here at Old Glory Ranch one of the perks offered is childcare for your guests little ones so everyone can enjoy your big day to the fullest.

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